• You have already been to several (traditional) dietitians or coaches, but found no answers

  • You are interested in the world of holistic health

  • You are open to advice that goes beyond just nutritional tips

  • You want to make links between your physical, mental and spiritual complaints

  • You have specific questions or one central goal and are looking for a one-time session

BASIC is a one-shot consultation: you have specific questions or want to know my view on a specific subject. I help you zoom out when you are stuck on certain things.

What to expect?

  • Certified diplomas (registered dietitian, orthomolecular and AIP therapist)

  • Holistic and innovative point of view

  • Thinks outside the (food)box

  • Guided 350+ clients

  • Went through own medical search

Having been treated as a patient myself for years, I know better than anyone how that feels. Think about the crowded waiting rooms or 15-minute consultations where you are given a standard sheet to take home....

I chose to close my agenda and only follow up with a few people at a time through BASIC, PLUS and MAX. This avoids time pressure and a packed schedule. Quality > quantity!

I focus on what really matters: looking at your symptoms holistically.

Are you expecting a classical approach (dietary lists, meal and menu plans, shopping lists, ...)? Then this program is not (yet) for you.

Prepare for a deep dive in the world of holistic health. We zoom out and take a new look at your current situation. We focus on food, lifestyle (sleep, exercise, work, household), trauma, emotions, toxins, ...

Is BASIC something for you?

  • You want to understand why certain complaints arise
  • You are ready for a deep dive within the world of holistic nutrition
  • Food pyramid or classic nutritional advice? Not your cup of tea!
  • You are interested in a holistic approach
  • You are open to a new way of thinking about nutrition and health

Hmm, not your thing after all...

    • You are looking for a classic approach. Thinking outside the box? No thanks!
    • You are looking for dietary advice and/or meal plans, menus, ...
    • Advice that recommends animal products? Not for you!
    • You are not open to a new way of thinking about health.

    what clients say about working with me

    I am interested! What is the next step?

    Clicking on one of the links on this page (or directly via this link) will take you to the application form.

    Use this form to briefly introduce yourself and describe your request for help. I will then contact you further. Submitting the contact form does not guarantee the start of this process!

    What after BASIC?

    This trajectory aims to give you a jump start and answer the necessary questions that you have been looking for an answer to for a long time.

    This will make you more independent, gain more insights and therefore be better able to navigate this matter on your own.

    After BASIC ends, no further follow-up is included. Would you like additional follow-up sessions? Please contact me.

    Am I entitled to a refund after purchase?

    No. Once your payment has been received, there are no refunds possible. That is why the introduction call is very important: both you and I look and feel whether we have a connection.

    Can I get an invoice?

    Of course. After payment you will automatically receive an invoice.

    Didn't receive an invoice or discovered a mistake? Let me know at nina@heal-able.com

    Do I need to have prior knowledge?

    Ideally, at the start of our sessions you already have some prior knowledge of the world of holistic health and you have already taken some steps in the field of self-development.

    Disclaimer: de adviezen, gegeven info en documentatie zijn enkel bestemd voor persoonlijk gebruik en vervangt geen medisch advies van uw behandelend arts. Iedereen heeft een eigen verhaal met bijbehorende (lichamelijke) klachten en daardoor een eigen, gepersonaliseerd behandelplan. Delen van info/documentatie kan enkel gebeuren met geschreven toestemming aangevraagd via nina@heal-able.com